lblPageinfo.Text="Showing results: " + (_PageDataSource.CurrentPageIndex * _PageDataSource.PageSize + 1) + "-" + (_PageDataSource.CurrentPageIndex * _PageDataSource.PageSize + dlSearchJobs.Items.Count) + " of " + _PageDataSource.DataSourceCount ;
- where _PageDataSource is the object of PagedDataSource class
- PagedDataSource _PageDataSource = new PagedDataSource();
- dlSearchJobs is the Datalist used to display results from DB
output : Showing results: 1-10 of 43
if using GRIDVIEW
lblPageinfo.Text="Showing results: " +(gvInbox.PageIndex) * gvInbox.PageSize + 1) + "-" + (gvInbox.PageIndex* gvInbox.PageSize+ gvInbox.Rows.Count) + " of " + objData.Length ;
- where gvInbox is the Gridview
- objData is the Datasource for Gridview